Bottom Loading Fuel Arms
Bottom Loading Fuel Arms by Carbis Loadtec allow operators to have all the convenience they need from a low-cost and efficient hose loading arm.
Petroleum tanker filling via low-level connections allows operators to load multiple compartments simultaneously and have automatic high-level alarms for each compartment.
Carbis Loadtec can supply high-quality and durable Bottom Loading Fuel Arms with long warranties that will give up to six liquid arms and one vapour arm per bay. Combined with our API coupler range, we provide loading arms as stand-alone products, or along with our meter skid systems; we provide packaged solutions for tanker filling working to all recognised design and functional standards.
The Bottom Loading Fuel Arms are fitted with spring cylinders, allowing easy vertical position adjustment and incorporating our specially-made composite hose for long life and chemical resistance.
The arms can optionally be fitted with breakaway couplings when required.
The standard configuration of the bottom un/loading arm with four swivels has been a dependable, safe, and clean method for tanker fill for many years.
Did you know?
The lighter, the better.
The combined weight of a 4-metre DN80 chemical hose, dry break coupler and a full liquid load is approximately 50kg. The weight of a fully laden bottom loading arm is 0kg. Which would you prefer to handle?
Unlock the advantages of our safe access and bulk liquid loading systems today!
Contact us at +44 1303 81 30 30, email [email protected], or fill out the contact form on our Contact page.
Take the first step towards safer operations now.
Categories: Aviation, Bottom Loading Fuel Arms, Bulk Fuels, Bottom Loading Arms, LPG, Oil Terminals
Tags: Zip-Load, API couplers, bottom loading, breakaway coupling, six swivel arm design, meter skid systems, swivel joints, integrated process package systems, petrol tanker loading, packaged solutions